Sheet pan pancakes!

Want a way to make the morning easier?! Sheet pan pancakes! These not only are an easy warm up, but gives a variety to choose from! Sometimes my boys want all different things, and this gives easy options. You could really add so many different toppings! For these I did blueberries, cinnamon sugar, and chocolate chips.

Sheet pan pancakes

What you need:


3 cups flour

2 TBSP baking powder

1 TSP salt

2 TBSP sugar


2.5 cups milk

8 TBSP melted butter

1 TBSP vanilla

1 Egg

What to do:

Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Whisk together wet ingredients in a separate medium bowl.

Add wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.

Add to a parent lined medium cooking sheet. Spread until even.

Add toppings! I add frozen blueberries to half, chocolate chips to one quarter, and swirled in brown sugar and cinnamon to the last quarter.

Cook on 400 for about 20 minutes. Serve with maple syrup!

Save in fridge up to a week, or freeze.

Go to YouTube, and instagram for more!


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