Homemade 5 Ingredient Marshmallows

It is cold here and all over the country this week, and nothing sounds better than a hot drink topped with marshmallows. But nothing ever beats anything homemade, and these marshmallows are by far the easiest to make for homemade. Say goodbye to weird dyes, corn syrup, and all the crap in store brand marshmallows. This would be such a cute gift idea too for Valentine’s Day! Enjoy! And make sure to tag if you try them out @livingspunky

These are also dairy free, and gluten free!

Homemade Marshmallows

Makes over 2 dozen, depending on shape

1 cup filtered water

1/2 cup grass-fed beef gelatin

Mix,and set aside.

On stovetop on medium heat-

3/4 cup water

1 cup honey

Pinch of salt

Cap of vanilla extract

Whisk frequently for 10 minutes over heat.

Add gelatin mix to a kitchen aid mixer with paddle.

Slowly add hot honey water mix.

Allow gelatin and honey water to mix slowly with paddle.

Once mixed, place towel over mixer for splashing, place speed to medium high for about 10-15 minutes until white peaks form.

QUICKLY add to a lined sheet, it will form fast!

Let sit at least 30 minutes and cut to desired shape.

Store in container for up to a week.

Best in hot drinks, or treats that require melting!

If seem too sticky, you can top them with choice of corn starch, powdered sugar or arrow root powder.


Sourdough discard Cinnamon Rolls-zero processed sugars!


Easy homemade tortillas